Sunday, July 31, 2011

Declaration of Blog Freedom

I've noticed lately that some bloggers have discontinued allowing comments on their blogs, and I like that. I once thought I could never disable comments on my site but I think it's a good thing for me to do. I rely too much on them, or the lack of them. So I'm not allowing comments any longer. Not that many people comment anyway, especially since I changed my URL and lost a slew of followers and links to my site. I've also removed the counter. The hit numbers can't be right when people are using RSS feeds or Google Reader and besides, who cares how many hits I get? Do you? Do you look and say Wow! She has 14,000 hits on her site! Or do you look and say one's posted a response to her all week, or all month!

I was reading Dawn Sokol's blog yesterday when I came across her post about this same thing. I don't know for sure, but I think she wrote this just for me....

"I am going to disable comments again. I did this awhile ago in an attempt to blog really just for myself and I think it’s time to do so once more. I don’t understand why the internet has become SO consuming, but for me it has."

"I’ve started to worry too much again about comments, pages views, subscriber counts, etc. I don’t know how long this no-comment period will last. But please know that it makes my blogging better if I’m blogging just for me. If you want to chat or comment on a post, please feel free to email me. The button to do so is in the sidebar. I will respond if time allows. Know that I appreciate your visiting here, but have come to count on it too much again. Thank you!"

She pretty much sums it up for me. I worry too much about comments and I don't want to do that. I want my blog to belong to me, so I'm removing all those little number counting things that consume me and tell me how popular I am, (or not) and I'm just gonna blog. You can always talk to me on Facebook, or send me an email....the addy is down there on the right.

Have a great day!